A Formal Basis for the Heuristic Determination of Minimum Cost Paths"
#!/usr/bin/env python #--breadth first def route_bfs(M,start,end): def next((x,y)): if x>0 and M[y][x-1]!='*':yield (x-1,y) if x+1<len(M[y]) and M[y][x+1]!='*':yield (x+1,y) if y>0 and M[y-1][x]!='*':yield (x,y-1) if y+1<len(M) and M[y+1][x]!='*':yield (x,y+1) Q = [(start , [])] while Q: cp,rr = Q[0] del Q[0] if cp==end:return rr+[end] for p in next(cp): if p in rr:continue Q.append( (p,rr+[cp]) ) return [] #-- depth first def route_dfs(M,start,end): def next((x,y)): if x>0 and M[y][x-1]!='*':yield (x-1,y) if x+1<len(M[y]) and M[y][x+1]!='*':yield (x+1,y) if y>0 and M[y-1][x]!='*':yield (x,y-1) if y+1<len(M) and M[y+1][x]!='*':yield (x,y+1) def aux(M,s,e,rr): if s==e:return [s] routes = [aux(M , p , e , rr+[s]) for p in next(s) if not p in rr] routes = [x for x in routes if len(x)>0] if len(routes)>0:return [s]+min(routes,key=lambda x:len(x)) else:return [] return aux(M,start,end,[]) #-- Dijkstra def route_dijk(M,start,end): def next((x,y)): if x>0 and M[y][x-1]!='*':yield (x-1,y) if x+1<len(M[y]) and M[y][x+1]!='*':yield (x+1,y) if y>0 and M[y-1][x]!='*':yield (x,y-1) if y+1<len(M) and M[y+1][x]!='*':yield (x,y+1) Q = [start] paths = {start:[start]} while Q: cp = Q.pop() cr = paths[cp] for np in next(cp): nr = paths.get(np , None) if nr is None or len(nr)>=len(cr)+1: paths[np] = cr+[np] Q.append(np) return paths.get(end , []) #-- A* def route_astar(M,start,end): def h((x,y)): #--heuristic return abs(x-end[0])+abs(y-end[1]) def next((x,y)): if x>0 and M[y][x-1]!='*':yield (x-1,y) if x+1<len(M[y]) and M[y][x+1]!='*':yield (x+1,y) if y>0 and M[y-1][x]!='*':yield (x,y-1) if y+1<len(M) and M[y+1][x]!='*':yield (x,y+1) openSet = {start:h(start)} closeSet = {} parent = {} while True: if len(openSet)==0:return [] node,hval = min(openSet.items() , key=lambda x:x[1]) if node==end: break else: closeSet[node] = openSet[node] del openSet[node] for np in next(node): rval = (hval-h(node)) + (h(np) + 1) if rval < openSet.get(np,rval): openSet[np] = rval parent[np] = node elif rval < closeSet.get(np,rval): openSet[np] = rval parent[np] = node del closeSet[np] elif not closeSet.has_key(np) and not openSet.has_key(np): openSet[np] = rval parent[np] = node else: pass paths = [] current = end while True: paths.append(current) if current==start:return list(reversed(paths)) current = parent[current] import time if __name__=="__main__": M = """*S***************************** * * * * *** ******* ***** * *** *** * * * * * * * * * * ***** *** * *** * *** *** ***** * * * * * * * *** * *** * * *** * * ******* * * * * * * * * * * *** ***** *** * * * *** * ***** * * * * * * * * * *********** ********* ***** * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * *** * *** ***** *** * * * * * * * * * ********* ********* * ***** * * * * * * * * * * ******* *** ******* *** *** * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * *** * *** * * *** * * * * * * * * * *****************************G*""" M=M.split('\n') algorithms = [("bfs",route_bfs),("dfs",route_dfs),("Dijkstra",route_dijk),("A*",route_astar)] for name,route in algorithms: st = time.clock() route(M,(1,0),(29,20)) et = time.clock() print ("%s: %1.4f(sec)" % (name,et-st)) print "------------------" M = [" "*100] for name,route in algorithms: st = time.clock() route(M,(1,0),(80,0)) et = time.clock() print ("%s: %1.4f(sec)" % (name,et-st)) print "-------------------" M = [" "*6 for _ in xrange(6)] for name,route in algorithms: st = time.clock() route(M,(0,0),(4,4)) et = time.clock() print ("%s: %1.4f(sec)" % (name,et-st))